How Much Do Silicone Sex Dolls Cost?

Sex Dolls & Masturbators that Cost Under $500

There are some great, affordable options for sex dolls beneath the $500 range. You don’t need to drop a ton of money to get an experience similar to those with a more expensive doll. In this price range, you’ll find some amazing torso sex dolls, or masturbators (pictured here), as well as blow-up sex dolls.

Mastrubators are a great way to go if you’re looking for a less expensive luxury sex toy option. You’ll find some of the best made by Pipedream Products, Cyberskin and SexFlesh. We have a whole site devoted to these sex toys – The toys you’ll get from each company are slightly different – Pipedream’s are more abstract and larger; Cyberskin makes hyper-realistic toys, while SexFlesh provides a wide array of toys in various sizes and styles.

People seem to love these toys. They are less of a commitment than a full size luxury sex doll and are still amazing. All the sex toys and sex dolls below fall in the under $500 price zone.

While still expensive by many respects, these toys represent some of the most affordable luxury sex toys and will bring you many, many hours of pleasure. We’ve also include some videos of these toys below the colleciton so you can see what they look like in real life as well as get a sense of how large they are – which is pretty big to life-size.

Men's Torso Sex Doll - Large Cock Male Torso
Torso Masturbator Sex Toy

Mini Sex Dolls - Cool But Hard to Find

At this price range you can also find some “mini-sex dolls”. These are small dolls that are still realistic and feature the same body parts and accessibility as their larger counterparts. These mini-sex dolls are less expensive and still give a real visceral thrill.

These dolls are made by many of the same companies that make larger dolls. You can find non-explicit videos of them on Youtube – we’ve included one below. This will give you a sense of the size and look of them. You can also find these toys IN ACTIONS on many quite-explicit adult video and tube sites across the internet you REALLY want to see how they work.

[editors note – these dolls are getting INCREDIBLY HARD to find in the USA – on our Mini Sex Doll Page we have listed Kanojo Toys as a Source]

Sex Dolls that Cost Under $500 Videos

We’ve collected a few masturbator and mini-sex-doll videos below so you can see what they look like in actions. You can watch these here on the site or follow them to Youtube to go down some pretty interesting rabbit holes. These are fun videos and do not include any nudity. . . except for the toys themselves which are pretty naked!

Including some classic videos from Pipedream Products – makers of some of the most amazing men’s sex toys and maturbators currently available. These are basically sex toys of body part molds that have been paired down to their thrustable essentials. These are really some amazing inexpensive sex dolls and luxury sex toys.

Enjoy these fun sex toy videos. We had fun picking them out. These videos are 18+, so you might have to login to Youtube to see them.

Sex Dolls that Cost Between $500 - $1000

Because of the price – and because of the fact that you can get a pretty amazing sex doll in this price range – we find that these are some of our most popular dolls and some of the best sellers through our site. People love these sex dolls, and with good reason.

You’ll find some very solid, and gorgeous, mini-sex dolls in this price range, and you can find top of the line masturbators as well. You’ll also start to see some really killer realistic TPE sex dolls around the $500-$1000 price point. These sex dolls make great starter sex dolls and will still give you a lot of intense experiences similar in scope to their larger counterparts. They top mini-dolls are just easier to move, easier to store, and still just as fun to play with. .

The biggest advice we have when you get a sex doll in this price range is to be sure of the size of it. Mini dolls are about 100cm, while life size dolls are around 140-170CM. You’ll want to check closely, and even contact the manufacturer, before ordering the doll so you aren’t surprised when you open the box. We always tells people to take out a tape measure before and check the different dimensions in the air to gauge how big it is going to be.

You might also want to test the weight of the sex doll before you buy it. Find out how heavy it is and then practice with a similar weight. That way you can tell how hard it is going to be to move. It would be terrible to spend good money on an amazing sex doll only to find it’s to heavy for you to move from the living room to the bedroom . . or wherever.

If you take simple precautions like this when ordering the doll you will be happy and satisfied when it comes.

Buy Sex Dolls that Cost $500 to $1000 Online

This is a collection of mid range – $500 to $1000 sex dolls we’ve curated from Amazon.

It’s a solid collection of mid-range sex dolls and top of the line masturbators – and some of the less expensive TPE sex dolls and hyper-luxury next generation sex toys we’re seeing starting to appear in the market. You’ll find some nice toys below. We love them all!

Clicking on the images or links opens the toys at Amazon where you will find more information as well as reviews to the these awesome sex dolls.

Mid-Range TPE Sex Doll Videos

When you invest in a luxury set toy, we are big proponent of learning as much about them as you can. To that end we give you some pretty great TPE and silicone sex doll videos from Youtube. While not necessarily the exact same sex dolls as you see in this collection. . .these videos are VERY VERY similar to what you’re finding here.

We’ve also included a high-end masturbator video from Pipedream products so you can see what these great sex toys are like.

You can use these videos as entry points into Youtube’s larger collection. But note, when you’re surfing luxury sex dolls and real dolls on youtube you may have to register or login because many of the videos are listed for 18+.

$1000 - $1500 Sex Dolls

At the $1000 to $1500 sex doll price range, the sex dolls start getting very good. When you get a sex doll that is this quality, you are moving into luxury sex doll territory. You’ll see the features of the face get nicer – as most are sculpted by professional sculptors. You’ll also see the sex dolls are taller and more life-size.

Another nice thing about sex dolls that are $1000-$1500 is that their bodies start getting really incredible as well. You’ll see some gorgeous female sex dolls.

Beyond this price range you start getting into some great exotic materials and even more lifelike features, but below you’re stil going to see some of our absolute favorite sex dolls.

$1500+ Sex Dolls

Ahhh. . .LUXURY sex dolls. When you’re talking about sex dolls that cost more than  $1500 you are talking about some of the most amazing sex toys currently available.

These are top of the line sex dolls that are quite a bit above average. . .or they feature some large or extra-sexy body part like huge breasts or full round hips.

We recommend looking at and for this type of sex doll.  AMAZING!

For this much money you can get a life-size sex doll with an artistically sculpted face with an amazing body. The dolls face will look amazing and the body will feel full, substantial and incredibly life-like. The doll will be made from an exotic TPE and Silicone blend and will look and feel great when you use it.

You will get dolls with massive breasts or extra-large booties. If you look hard enough, you can find all kinds of fetish-y dolls. Want a pregnant sex doll or an amazing male sex doll? You can find them in this price range. If you don’t see the fetish you like, contact the seller and see what they have.

You might be surprised…. 😉

When looking at them, check out the look of the skin on some of the close up pictures. The silicone/TPE blend on this higher price range of silicone sex doll are stunning and feel highly charged and erotic. You can almost feel the goose bumps as you run your hand over them. It’s truely stunning to feel.

In this price range, you are truly in high end sex toys. There are slightly more expansive, but you are looking at some of the best.